
What is Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP)?

Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP) is a system of astrology developed by late Indian astrologer Krishnamurti Padhdhati. It is a modern and streamlined approach to astrology that focuses on precise calculations and event-based predictions. 

KP astrology emphasizes the significance of sub-divisions of constellations (nakshatras) and sub-lords within them. It utilizes a unique cuspal system, known as the Placidus house division system, which divides the zodiac into unequal segments based on the cusps of houses.

One of the key principles of KP astrology is the concept of Ruling Planets, where certain planets are assigned the role of ruling particular events or areas of life. By analyzing the sub-lords and their connection to ruling planets, KP astrologers make accurate predictions and provide specific timings for various events in a person’s life.

KP astrology also employs certain additional tools, such as the Horary Astrology (Prashna Kundali) technique, where precise questions are used to provide instant answers based on the time of inquiry.

With its precise calculations, event-based predictions, and emphasis on sub-lords and ruling planets, KP astrology has gained popularity for its accuracy and practical approach. It provides astrologers and individuals with a unique perspective to analyze and predict various aspects of life events.