
What is Angarak Dosha?

Angarak Dosha, also known as Manglik Dosha or Mangal Dosha, is an astrological condition that occurs when the planet Mars (Mangal) is placed in certain positions in a person’s birth chart. Angarak Dosha is believed to have an influence on marriage and relationships. Here’s an explanation of Angarak Dosha:

1. Placement of Mars: Angarak Dosha is formed when Mars is placed in specific houses of the birth chart, primarily the 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, or 12th house. These houses are considered significant for relationships and marriage.

2. Effects of Angarak Dosha: Angarak Dosha is associated with the belief that it can create challenges, conflicts, and disharmony in marriage and relationships. It is believed to affect the marital life of an individual and their partner, potentially leading to disagreements, misunderstandings, and even potential disruptions in some cases.

3. Compatibility Considerations: In traditional Vedic Astrology, it is believed that if a person with Angarak Dosha marries someone who does not have Angarak Dosha, it can lead to potential difficulties in the marriage, including compatibility issues and the possibility of the partner’s early death. However, it’s important to note that these beliefs may vary among different regions and astrologers.

4. Remedies for Angarak Dosha: Various remedies are suggested to mitigate the effects of Angarak Dosha. Some common remedies include:

   – Marrying someone with Angarak Dosha: It is believed that if both partners have Angarak Dosha in their birth charts, the negative effects can cancel each other out, reducing the impact of the dosha.

   – Conducting specific pujas or rituals: Performing pujas dedicated to Lord Hanuman or Lord Kartikeya (both associated with Mars) can help appease the influence of Angarak Dosha.

   – Wearing gemstones: Wearing a red coral gemstone (associated with Mars) is often recommended as a protective measure against the malefic effects of Angarak Dosha.

   – Chanting mantras: Regular recitation of Mars-related mantras, such as “Om Mangalaya Namaha” or “Om Angarakaya Namaha,” can help pacify the influence of Mars and mitigate the dosha.

   – Seeking astrological guidance: Consulting an experienced astrologer who specializes in Angarak Dosha can provide personalized insights and remedies based on the individual’s birth chart and specific circumstances.

It’s important to note that the impact of Angarak Dosha can vary for each individual based on their unique birth chart and other astrological factors. Consulting an experienced astrologer and following their guidance can help provide a deeper understanding of Angarak Dosha and suitable remedies to mitigate its effects.